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Dear John,
This October 10, you can Walk together. Roll together. Run together. Pedal together. Join together!
There are so many ways to speak up together as part of
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ADL’s annual Walk Against Hate. It’s a great opportunity to move toward a future without antisemitism, racism and all forms of bigotry.
Join people from across the country in stepping up — solo, with your family, with your classmates, co-workers, congregations or community group — to make your voice heard in challenging antisemitism and all forms of hate.
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Register Now
To register and see how you can participate in your community, visit
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WalkAgainstHate.org today.
Be a part of the movement to show solidarity against antisemitism, bias, bullying and bigotry.
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I want to Walk Against Hate
We look forward to joining you in October. Let’s get moving!
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
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(c) 2021
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