On January 6th, our democracy came under attack by domestic terrorists, egged on by Donald Trump.

Millions of Americans watched it unfold on live television. Numerous media outlets have recreated the timeline, assembling footage from multiple viewpoints.

But despite all that, how much do we really know about what caused the insurrection?

How did all those people know to come to the Capitol at that hour?

Who paid for them to get there (if anyone)?

Were their actions coordinated beforehand and during the attack? And if so, by whom?

Why were there such widespread security failures, and who was responsible?

It seems that most Republicans in Congress — led by GOP leader Kevin McCarthy — want to sweep this under the rug. They want to pretend it never happened.

We are not going to let that happen. This week, a select committee of the House began hearings into what happened in the run-up to that terrible day.

The testimony of the four officers on Monday was a powerful reminder that this is not a political football or a partisan game. At least 140 officers were injured that day and our Capitol was breached by a mob bent on stopping the peaceful transfer of power.

The American people deserve the truth.

As Liz Cheney said, "If those responsible are not held accountable, and if Congress does not act responsibly, this will remain a cancer on our constitutional republic, undermining the peaceful transfer of power at the heart of our democracy system."

We must ensure that this never, ever happens again.


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