Health Policy Center
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Health Policy Update
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Do Black and white patients experience similar rates of adverse safety events at the same hospital?
Our assessment of racial disparities in the quality of inpatient care using 11 patient safety indicators shows Black patients experience higher rates of hospital-acquired illnesses and injuries related to surgical procedures relative to white patients treated in the same hospital.
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Filling the Medicaid gap with a public option
Our analysis shows using a public option that typically pays Medicare rates instead of Marketplace benchmark premiums would considerably reduce the cost of increasing coverage in the Medicaid gap. Estimates of the reduction in federal spending range from $63 billion to $69 billion over 10 years.
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Uninsurance increased among children and parents between 2016 and 2019
Nearly 700,000 more children and more than 300,000 more parents were uninsured in 2019 than in 2016. Children’s uninsurance and Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program participation continued to vary widely across states.
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Leveraging community expertise to advance health equity
Authentic community engagement means community members actively participate in decisionmaking. A summary of interviews with stakeholders in four states identifies principles and strategies for building trust with community members and leveraging their expertise.
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Unknown effects of Medicaid Section 1115 waivers of retroactive eligibility warrant caution
There is insufficient evidence to support either the benefits or harms of retroactive eligibility waivers, which suggests Section 1115 waiver evaluation requirements need be better enforced, and better information is needed to determine the future status of these waivers.
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Data sharing in cross-sector collaborations
Communities whose data are being collected and shared are often underrepresented or missing in discussions and decisions. Cross-sector data sharing must include building trust with all relevant stakeholders, including program participants and the public.
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