Animals who have been abused and neglected need your help urgently!

It’s literally a SHIP OF HORRORS, friend.


As many as 70,000 animals packed on boats for up to five weeks — and sometimes months — imprisoned, abused, and terrified.


This is the reality of live animal export. And summer is the worst time of all when the temperatures are highest and more animals DIE!


At Full Circle Farm Sanctuary, we’re working to END live animal export and CARE for the innocent victims of Big Ag. Please help!


None of our current residents experienced the horrors of live animal transport. That’s because when animals die at sea they often just get tossed overboard!


But many of the animals we care for, like Jade the sheep and Sienna the cow, have been hurt and abused on Big Ag’s industrial farms and their focus on the bottom line.


Shockingly, it’s even worse at sea. There are few rules and no oversight to protect animals. Most animals DIE after suffering in horrific conditions.


Every year, as many as TWO BILLION sheep, goats, pigs and chickens are exported worldwide — packed aboard, and sometimes deep inside, massive cargo ships …


The heat is unbearable. They are often deprived of food and water. They are mistreated and abused. And their suffering can last weeks and even months!


Animals don’t just suffer on these ships or horrors. THEY DIE. Each year, millions of animals perish at sea.


And right now, during summer, is when the most animals die! If you are as outraged as we are, help us raise awareness and also care for the victims of horrible Big Ag abuse.


Support Full Circle Farm Sanctuary Now!


At Full Circle Farm Sanctuary, we not only care for hundreds of rescued animals — but also national advocates for humane treatment for all animals.


We did the research, and what we learned shocked even us:

  • 1,800 COWS died aboard a ship after spending three months at sea … their bodies tossed overboard …
  • 14,000 SHEEP drowned in a shipping accident near Romania …
  • 6,000 CATTLE perished when a ship lost an engine near Japan …
  • 850 COWS died horribly near Turkey after months of suffering on the open water …

I can’t even imagine the terror animals must feel as they are herded into the hulls of massive steel ships. Up to 70,000 at once!


They are crowded. They are miserable. And the conditions are atrocious!


I’ve seen the abuses on Big Ag’s industrial “farms” far too many times so I can only imagine how bad it is on ships — the smell, the bodily waste, the ammonia gas rising and irritating their eyes and noses and burning their lungs.


They have nowhere to go. They are PRISONERS at sea for weeks and months. No one can hear them. But you can raise your voice for them and show your humanity. Please be a friend to animals by giving now!


Sadly, the rest of the world is letting animals down, too. Germany recently considered, and then rejected, a live animal export ban to 17 countries. While inspections of livestock carriers have fallen more than 30%!


I think of the Statue of Liberty signaling compassion and welcome to people as they enter New York Harbor …


Then I think of the ships, passing by, full of animals suffering in extreme misery and pain.


You know, we are better than this. Help care for rescued farm animals and stop the ship of horrors. Please give today.


Thank you for showing your compassion for animals once again. I’m so grateful for your caring generosity!






Susan Hartland

Executive Director

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary


P.S.  Crowding, suffering, sickness, pain and death. That’s the reality of live animal export. It’s absolutely horrifying, and it will continue until we make it STOP. Farm animals urgently need a friend like YOU. Please give today.

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
961 White House Parkway, Warm Springs, GA 31830
EIN: 36-4735749