Surgeons and the care they provide are facing another round of Medicare payment cuts that will harm patients by reducing access to care.

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Surgical Care Coalition
When Washington cuts surgical care, it harms patients

Surgeons and the care they provide are facing another round of Medicare payment cuts that will harm patients by reducing access to care.

Patients need a health care system that invests in surgical care, not one that threatens it year after year. While cuts to surgical care were delayed in 2020, the action taken by Congress was only a temporary fix that did not offer a long-term solution for patients.

The Surgical Care Coalition advocates for patients and aims to stop these harmful cuts to surgical care. If you’d like to learn more and stay up to date on this critical patient issue, subscribe to our newsletter and share it with your network.

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Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

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