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Thursday, July 29th, 2021

The Sons of Disobedience

Bionic Mosquito

Save, Invest, Speculate, Trade, or Gamble?

Doug Casey

What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws?

Andrew P. Napolitano

What Is the Chance of a Severe Adverse Reaction From 3 Boosters Every Year for 40 Years?

Marko Marjanović

In Washington D.C. the Black Police Chief Is Frustrated With the City’s Coddling of Violent Criminals

Paul Craig Roberts

Covid-19, Catholics, and Illegal Alien Charities

Michelle Malkin

Is This Country Heading for the Exit?

Tom Engelhardt

Capitol Clash January 6 Terrorism Tweets

James Bovard

Dr Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling, Slams Politicised Science

Eric Worrall

’You Meddling Conservatives!’

Gavin Newsom blaming ‘right-wing’ media for his failings makes him sound like a Scooby-Doo villain. Micah Curtis

A Market Implosion In 2022 Is Inevitable

Michael Pento – YouTube Video

Who’s Afraid of a Fort Detrick Probe?

Finian Cunningham

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