Economic illegal aliens and Democrat COVID mandates insures one party rule for the foreseeable future.
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The Democrats’ 8 Million New Voters Plan
Economic illegal aliens and Democrat COVID mandates insures one party rule for the foreseeable future.

Democrats Eye Legal Path for Some Undocumented Immigrants

By Laura Litvan, Bloomberg, July 26, 2021:

Immigration measure would be ...

FORCED SCHOOL MASK MANDATE: ‘It Isn’t Based In Science’, DeSantis’s Office Blasts CDC Over K-12 In-School Mask Edict
Children are the least susceptible to COVID and the most vulnerable to panic mongering. There is been a spike in suicide attempts in children under the age of thirteen. “Rates of suicidal ideation are highest among youth,” a 2020 report stated. ...

RACISM: Chicago Mayor Defends ‘No White People Interview’ Policy
That is straight up racism.

RACISM: Chicago Mayor Defends 'No White People Interview' Policy

By BlabberBuzz, 28 July 2021:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reportedly maintained her controversial choice to grant interview requests just ...

CCP-Controlled House Democrats Cover for China
Nancy Pelosi is blocking a House investigation into US tax dollars funding Chinese Communist Party labs. Instead, she's directing the House to investigate Trump and his supporters.

It’s time to hold the CCP accountable for intentionally ...

CDC Director Warns CCP Virus May Be ‘a Few Mutations’ Away From Evading Vaccines
Democrats' science: mandate increasingly useless and very possibly injurious vaccines.

The Democrats haven't just jumped the shark, they f*cked the shark.

Dr. Leana Wen — “New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just ...

WATCH: Iranian Defector Mollaei Dedicates Olympic Judo Silver To Israel In Tokyo

Humanity defeats hate.

Saeid Mollaei is the Iranian judo champion who in 2019 defied regime orders to lose intentionally so as not to compete with Israelis. He defected to Germany.

Now representing Mongolia, Mollaei just won the ...

Officer Who Testified that Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Were Chanting the “N-Word” Is HUGE BLM Activist — Supported Mass Violence in Kenosha Riots
There are worlds, reality and Democrat propaganda. America must fight for the world she means to live in.

SURPRISE! Officer Dunn Who Testified that Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Were Chanting the “N-Word” Is HUGE BLM Activist — Supported ...

CNN, MSNBC Primetime Shows Ignore Breaking News of Ex-Sen. Barbara Boxer Being Attacked, Robbed in California
Sorry, Babs, you have to take one for the team. Any victim of a protected Democrat class is — the perp.

CNN, MSNBC primetime shows ignore breaking news of ex-Sen. Barbara Boxer being attacked, robbed in California

Liberal media continues ...

Disband the FBI
The highly weaponized and politicized FBI is irretrievably broken.

Disband the FBI

By Chris Farrell, July 28, 2021 at 5:00 am

In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely ...

Nazi Collaborator Billionaire George Soros Donates $1 million To Racist Organization Seeking To Defund The Police
Soros is considered a deity on the left, the gravest threat to the very foundation of Constitutional republic. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landscape. His black hand is in all things big and small. The graft, corruption ...

TWITTER TERRORISM: Despotic Dorsey PERMANENTLY Suspends The Official Arizona Audit and Audit War Room Accounts
Because tech giants and the Democrat-criminal-media doesn’t want anybody to see the results. There’s no other reason to do that.

That’s because @Jack, @Twitter, and the main stream media doesn’t want anybody to see the results. ...

Bizarre arrest of FBI Agent Spotlights Accusations of Bureau Corruption
Whistleblowers are threatened with being investigated for misconduct and they give corrupt, criminal FBI agents awards and medals. “That’s today’s real FBI.”

The FBI is irretrievably broken.

Bizarre arrest of FBI agent spotlights ...

TYRANNY: Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal
Things don’t just happen, they are made to happen.

Now, the US government is mandating vaccines. The next black market will be fake passports, fake negative tests, samples like in the movie GATTACA.

Social media is awash with tweets and ...

You Can Be Stabbed For Criticizing Islam?
Having been the target of multiple death and beaheaing plots for my work in defense of free speech, I can tell you that vicitims of Islamic supremacist violence are always depicted as the 'aggressor' and the poor jihadis as being the misunderstood ...

At least 50 CUNY Professors Quit Union Over Antisemitic Resolution
At one time New York City's universities were havens for Jewish life. Today, CUNI, NYU, and Colombia are dominated by the antisemitic left, and are now dangerous for Jewish students. So terribly sad. In a just world these universities would be ...

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