Dear John,


As South Africa emerges from its riots in KwaZulu-Natal, the community braces for food shortages, spreading virus and economic uncertainty, and the AE team is preparing for a practical response to community needs.   Thank you for your prayers and support, I have had an opportunity to enlist wide prayer support through our Christian radio partners in Australia and NZ.

In this edition of Harambee, please take the opportunity to complete this short 2 minute survey so we can provide feedback for our African teams as well as to improve Australasian communications.

With an average age of only 18 within all of Africa, the issue of young people’s survival on the streets is an ever-present issue.  They are exposed to disease, exploitation and crime, and they are in need of the love of Jesus to shine through to give them hope.   African Enterprise’s vocational education programs aim to address these issues, and Gabriel’s story will be sure to encourage you how your gifts are multiplied.

In the midst of conflict in Ethiopia, our team leader Mel Mesfin continues to provide discipleship programs for young people, and has introduced a new vocational program for vulnerable women.  The short video below was recorded just a few days ago to update you.

Every blessing and stay safe.


Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia 

Every knee will bow to Jesus in Africa

What makes African Enterprise unique is the fact that our evangelists are locals. They speak the same language as those around them and they come from the same backgrounds, but, what sets them apart from the other locals are their love for Christ, their commitment to Christ, their passion to spread the Gospel and their education and training.

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Ghana Street Children Apprenticeship Program Testimony

Poverty, neglect and rural migration have led to around 61,000 children aged under 15 years being forced onto the streets of Ghana’s capital city Accra. Sadly the rights to food, health, education and a safe environment are missing for these children and they are open to abuse, trafficking, health risks as well as being exposed to and involved in crime.

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Q & A with Ethiopia Team Leader, Mel Mesfin

In this short video we ask Mel a few quick questions about his work at AE, his journey with God, vocational programs, what he enjoys about his work and his favourite Bible verse.

Watch the video


Quick survey - help us to improve

Do you have 2 minutes to complete a survey for us? We really value your feedback.

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