After Pelosi's comment, set the record straight.

Help set the record straight. President Biden can eliminate student debt with the stroke of his pen.

RT this post. Then, sign the petition urging President Biden to use his legal authority to cancel student debt.

Turn on images to see the tweet.

In what Forbes calls "explosive comments" today, Speaker Pelosi claimed that President Biden does not have the power to cancel student loan debt. Her counterpart in the Senate and legal scholars beg to differ.

If you're on Twitter, can you help set the record straight by RT'ing this post from our friends at The Debt Collective?

Forbes reports "Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a press conference along with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) urging President Biden to cancel $50,000 or more in student loan debt. 'President Biden should use his existing legal authority to cancel up to $50,000 in student debt.'"

Scholars at the Harvard Law School Legal Services Center wrote a letter to Sen. Elizabeth Warren earlier this year confirming that Congress gave the President authority to eliminate student loan debt decades ago in the Higher Education Act.

President Biden can eliminate student debt with the stroke of his pen.

Sign the petition urging President Biden to eliminate $50,000 of student debt per borrower before payments start back up this fall. The White House needs to feel much more grassroots pressure.

We are using social media campaigns, online ads, and partnerships with allies like Color of Change and The Debt Collective to push for executive action on this issue. Can you also chip in $3 to amplify the voices of borrowers who are being crushed by overwhelming student debt to keep the pressure building until President Biden acts?

With student debt payments set to resume for millions of borrowers this fall, Elizabeth Warren spoke at the press conference to the urgency of cancelling student loans. Comparing this debt to a sword hanging over the heads of borrowers, Warren said, "Every day that goes by, that sword draws a little closer. The President can remove this sword, and can remove this pain, by cancelling $50,000 or more in student loan debt."

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) spoke about cancelling student debt as a matter of racial justice. Forbes: "She characterized student loan debt as 'policy violence' against Black and Brown borrowers, who have taken on higher levels of student debt as compared to their White peers due to the racial wealth gap."

The time is now to take a bold stance, help close the racial wealth gap, and give a second chance to millions of Americans by eliminating student debt.

Help set the record straight. RT The Debt Collective's post.

Then, sign the petition urging President Biden to eliminate $50,000 of student debt NOW.

And, chip in to amplify the voices of borrowers being crushed by student debt.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)



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