
I've been involved in politics for a long time, so take it from me: Republicans are planning to steal, lie, rig, and cheat their way to a GOP House majority.

Democrats have an extremely narrow majority of just four seats in the House. And those four seats are all that stand between us and seditionists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kevin McCarthy from being in charge.

But want to know what scares me the most? Having these radical Republicans take control of the House during the biggest global crisis we have ever seen: climate change.

This summer, we've experienced the devastating effects of extreme weather here and around the world. From deadly floods to wildfires, droughts, and record-breaking heat waves, it's clear that the climate crisis is impacting us right now — and we're running out of time to act.

There's no room for doubt: We must take bold climate action now if we want to avert catastrophe. But the only way we can do that is if we maintain our House majority in the midterms.

That's why I'm supporting Shield PAC, our best resource to preserve our House majority, fight Republican disinformation, and protect our only home. Will you empower their mission by making a donation right now? Despite the clear and present danger caused by our warming climate — and overwhelming public support for climate action — 109 House Republicans still deny the existence of climate change. And without Shield PAC, they could control the House.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently speculated on the House floor that "maybe our climate just changes," ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is human-caused and minimizing the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.

It's not an exaggeration: Our planet cannot survive Republican leadership.

Everything's on the line, John. If you want to help make a difference, make a contribution of $5 or more to Shield PAC so we can defend our Democratic House majority, protect our planet, and pursue climate justice.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for standing up for a safe, livable world.


John Podesta