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Sunday July 25 2021:
Sam Goldman interviews Teri Kanefield, lawyer and author of multiple books.
Sunsara Taylor interviews Derenda Hancock,
abortion rights activist and defender of the one abortion clinic in the
entire state of Mississippi. This interview originally aired on The RNL Show).

Teri Kanefield: Fascism is based on myth and not truth and rule of law requires truth. One of the things fascists do is try to undermine actual authority, academics, so that their lies can take hold. The kind of authoritarianism that Trump was trying to put in place probably would have just completely taken apart rule of law. If Trump would have been maintained in the White House after losing we would have had a dictator. He would have told the judges what to do, there would have been no more democratic institutions.
Sam Goldman: If millions right now understood that this country is filled with fascists, including throughout all levels power, especially within the courts; that they, the fascists, are willing and proving able to do away with even the semblance of democratic rights and norms to exercise rule, and therefore, relying on any institutions for the so called normal way we do things is grossly insufficient to this looming threat. Then people could go to work now, building the organization with the determination needed to respond commensurately should the fascists attempt to re-seize power.
Derenda Hancock: Abortion is just a small part of this. That's truly not their main goal. Obviously, their main goal is control; particularly of women, and of course, everyone else. It's all religiously motivated. We actually have them on video saying their goal is to make this a theocracy. Yeah, it's it's about white supremacy. It's about controlling. And it's about really keeping people in their place. Not just women, but minorities, people of color. Obviously, they're completely anti-LGBTQ. Yeah, it's it's all a control mechanism. And these people on the sidewalks, things that a lot of people don't realize, they have control in the legislatures. They are supporting these candidates that are not only trying to abolish abortion, they're also putting people into the seats that do not want the separation of church and state.

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>> July 2021: updated mission statement of
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