Dear Defender of Wildlife,
We need to act quickly to make sure Congress doesn’t turn its back on endangered species and other vulnerable wildlife!
Congress is about to act on a budget bill that covers the Endangered Species Act (ESA), as well as other critical measures that will affect our most vulnerable species. The House-passed budget represents the bare minimum necessary to protect imperiled wildlife. The final funding bill that is currently being negotiated must include the House funding levels for the endangered species program or the results could be disastrous.
Tell Congress: Don’t leave our most vulnerable wildlife unprotected in 2020!
In addition to critical ESA funding, the House-passed budget bill includes two other critical provisions that need to be preserved:
Reversal of a Congressional ban on listing the sage-grouse under the ESA. With sage-grouse populations dwindling in all states where the bird is found, the Fish and Wildlife Service needs all the tools in its toolbox to protect these iconic birds from extinction.
Maintaining prohibitions for funding reckless border wall construction. That construction will destroy some of the nation’s most pristine and diverse landscapes and public lands. It would also wall off critically endangered wildlife such as the jaguars, ocelots and Mexican gray wolves and harm border communities.
The Endangered Species Act is America’s most important law protecting imperiled animals from extinction. Without the funding provided in the House bill, hundreds of listed species could face unnecessary and perhaps irreversible declines.
Make sure your senators and representative are on the right side of this budget bill: Remind them right now to protect wildlife with necessary funding in 2020!
Thank you for all you do for the wildlife you love.
Robert Dewey
Vice President, Government Relations and External Affairs Defenders of Wildlife |