Together, we're helping veterans pressure Joe Manchin.

We're working with the veterans at Common Defense to pressure Joe Manchin and the Senate with more headlines like this.

Chip in to amplify disabled veterans' voices calling on the Senate to protect voting rights with the For The People Act.

Turn on images to see the CNN headline: What the For the People Act would mean for veterans with disabilities

CNN just highlighted disabled veteran US Marine Corps field radio operator Joanna Sweatt in a report on how Republican voter suppression laws will rob disabled Americans -- including millions of veterans -- of their right to vote.

CNN found Sweatt because our friends at Common Defense made the connection. We teamed up with Common Defense to make clear to senators that to protect America’s democracy and voting rights for all, the Senate must pass the For The People Act and reform the filibuster.

With your help right now, this CNN story can be just one of many amplifying veterans' voices on voting rights. Common Defense is a grassroots organization with a large veteran membership -- thousands are veterans with disabilities. Many are willing to speak out about the difficulties their disabilities present and how their right to vote would be taken away by many Republican-run state governments.

The more veterans' and disabled veterans' voices we can amplify on radio, TV, and online, the more pressure we'll put on Joe Manchin and the Senate to act.

Can you chip in $3 to help PCCC and Common Defense amplify the voices of disabled veterans' calling on Joe Manchin and the Senate to protect their right to vote by passing the For The People Act? Donate here.

And, if you haven't already, please joining tens of thousands of people who have signed onto a letter from veterans telling senators to pass the For The People Act. (You don't have to be a veteran to sign.)

Veterans are a group that many senators listen to -- including Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. They are trusted messengers in our communities. And they want senators to know that they served this country to protect and defend American democracy -- not to defend the Senate filibuster.

Getting veterans' voices into the public debate is one of the most effective ways to push senators to reform the filibuster, pass the For The People Act, and protect our democracy. 

Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and every senator need to hear from disabled veterans like these:

"I am a 100% disabled vet than can not stand for more than a couple of minutes. Early voting helps me avoid crowds that would result in my not being able to stand and wait long enough to vote." -- Sylvia, a disabled veteran in Maryland.

"This assault on voting rights is unAmerican. It is against what I fought for." -- Michael, a disabled veteran in Texas.

"I am a 100% disabled Vietnam Vet. I have used mail-in votes for years. It is very hard for me to walk. Please do not take away my vote." -- Tim, a disabled veteran in California.

"The Vietnam War was difficult but I went twice. Please don't let them make it difficult for me to vote." -- David, a veteran in New Mexico.

The more Manchin, Sinema, other senators, and the public hear veterans' voices like these, the more pressure we put on the Senate to reform the filibuster and pass the For The People Act -- before it is too late.

Can you chip in today to help PCCC and Common Defense get the voices of veterans like Joanna, Tim, Michael, Sylvia, and David on the air in West Virginia and across the country? Help ramp up the pressure on Joe Manchin and other senators to pass the For The People Act and protect our democracy.

And, remember to sign on to veterans’ message telling senators all Americans deserve an equal voice in the elections that shape our future -- and to pass the For The People Act and reform the filibuster to get the job done of protecting America’s democracy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)












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