We’ve been called an orange freight train, but we can’t let them put us off track. //


Just the other day I saw a pollster on TV call our campaign an “orange freight train!” That’s because of the incredible momentum we’ve built going into the final days.

But this campaign, we’re up against some big spenders and they’re about to try to put our train off track.

The Liberals and Conservatives are seeing the momentum New Democrats have been building all over the country – and they’re doubling down on their efforts to try to stop us.

With 5 days left, they’re going to start trying to derail our teams on the ground – and they’re counting on their super wealthy friends to top up their accounts to do it. I’m looking at our Fight Back Fund numbers and we still have a ways to go before we hit $250,000, John – but our teams are counting on us to give them the resources they need to push back the attacks in communities across Canada. Can you chip in $3 right now to give our teams the support they need at this critical time?

I want to Fight Back!

This election, we’re down to the wire. We’re gaining ground in ridings across Canada and thousands of new supporters are joining our movement every day.

So far, the other parties haven’t taken us seriously – but now that they’re seeing the enthusiasm of millions of Canadians to invest in the services we need and make the multi-millionaires pay their fair share, they’re getting worried.

This is the moment that could tip the scales, John. We need to be ready to push back the attacks – and give our teams what they need to stay on track until election day. Can you chip in $3 right now to help?




Sussanne Skidmore
Canada’s NDP


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
