Dr. Fauci has been a guiding light in the darkness throughout the pandemic. Now, Lauren Boebert is trying to publicly shame him on Twitter.
This email had to go out ASAP because we need to know: do you stand with Dr. Fauci or Lauren Boebert?
John's response needed: Say whether you stand with Dr. Fauci, our national hero, or Lauren “Blaming” Boebert!
Response Deadline: Midnight
Even when Donald Trump was president, Dr. Fauci stayed on board because he knew that the health of our country was worth protecting. Today, Dr. Fauci continues to prove to all of us that we have our nation’s best virology expert at the helm!
We wish we were surprised to find that Lauren Boebert, once again, used her platform to spread conspiracies about a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
When will Boebert get the message the folks in CO-03 want her to lead, NOT Tweet?!
Can you use your voice and say who you trust more to handle our nation’s Covid response: Dr. Fauci or Lauren Boebert?
Response Deadline: Midnight
It goes without saying that Donald would trust a pandemic response to the experts.
Thanks for speaking up!
-- Team Valdez