Yesterday’s testimony before the select House Committee to investigate the January 6th attack was chilling.

Americans have seen images and testimony before, but the detailed accounts of the brutal and racist attacks on the Capitol Police and D.C. Police officers that we heard yesterday personalized the intense violence and fanaticism of that dark day.

Members of the mob involved in the attack knew exactly what they were doing — and why. They were carrying out a direct attack on our democratic process at the request of the sitting President of the United States.

Nearly eight months since he left office, Trump’s divisive politics, disinformation and lies continue to tear at our country. Getting the full truth about the January 6 attack is a critical step in the long detox process to move beyond — and prevent a repeat of — this dark chapter in our history.

As one officer said yesterday, ‘when a hitman commits an attack you don’t just go after him, you go after the person that sent him’. That sums it up well. Trump, and the lawmakers and others who assisted him, must be held accountable. Period.

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