We win this election by being willing to come together, to say we're the party of lifting every single person up. We win not by just telling voters we're against Trump -- but by showing people how muc


We get one shot and only one shot to make sure Donald Trump is a one-term president.

That’s why I woke up this morning with a feeling that, for voters tuning in for the first time to see what Democrats have to offer, a lot of last night was a missed opportunity for our party.

Too much time was spent attacking one another or repeating Republican talking points about our well-intentioned policy differences. We even had a question that echoed Trump’s baseless conspiracy theory designed to take down Joe Biden and distract from Trump’s own betrayal of his oath.

We need to focus on the issues that matter -- issues that got far too little attention last night. The existential threat of climate change, a women's right to reproductive health, and LGBTQ+ equality, which the Supreme Court is debating right now. The humanitarian crisis at our border, and the crippling problem of college affordability. How we’ll stop rampant voter suppression efforts going on in states across the country, and how we’ll reform our disastrously broken criminal justice system. On how we ensure affordable health care for all Americans and creating an economy that works for all, not just the ones at the top.

We win this election by being willing to come together, to say we’re the party of lifting every single person up. We win not by just telling voters we’re against Trump -- but by showing people how much better, how much more decent, how much more boldly American we can be.

This election is not a referendum on one guy in one office. It’s a question of who we are and who we should be to each other. Hate is the root of Trump’s strategy. Love must be the root of ours.

That’s not only how we win, but how we solve some of the biggest problems we face as a nation. Today, I need to ask for your help to put our campaign in a position to win this nomination. Make a donation today -- and help get our campaign on track to meet our ambitious October goals.

Finally, thank you for believing in me and what we can do together. None of us can do this by ourselves.



Paid for by Cory 2020

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