Dear Friend,

I’m a three-time Olympian in cycling… a sport that the Olympics wouldn’t let women compete in until 1984

I was able to attain this level of athletics only because of Title IX. But these opportunities for female athletes are now at risk if you don’t take action today.

Today and tomorrow, I am going to Capitol Hill with Independent Women’s Forum and other competitive female athletes to meet with lawmakers about this critical issue.

Demand Fair Play

When I was little, I wanted the opportunities that young boys were given in sports, only to be repeatedly told “no.” My brother got to compete in every sport available, but there was none available to me at this time in my life. 

In the mid-90s, when I reached junior high school, the effects of Title IX were starting to be felt. There were sports available to us. Soon, we had a girls’ running team… and my team went on to win every state title available to us. 

We still keep in contact to this day, telling stories of how important this opportunity was to our growth and our development

Title IX was put into place to protect us一and it did. It gave us sporting opportunities that had only been available to men since the Olympic games in Greece started around the eighth century before Christ. 

Sports has always been separated by sex, age, weight, and/or ability. Yet, now there’s this haphazard approach to women’s sports that allows male-bodied athletes to compete against women. Even after testosterone suppression, male-bodied athletes will still have a 10% advantage over women. 

This puts female athletes at a grave disadvantage... and destroys the equal opportunities and fair playing field that Title IX set out to create. 

Inclusion shouldn’t mean the exclusion of women in women’s sports.

Defend Female Athletes

When I first started racing my bicycle, I was the only woman in my state competing. I raced with the men and I helped build our sport for women. Because of the grassroots efforts of Title IX, more women started racing, and our sport is flourishing now. 

But it’s all at risk if we don’t step up to protect female sports and fair playing fields. That’s why I’m calling on you to speak up today, Friend . 

Join us in demanding fair play and defending female athletes by signing the petition today.

Thank you,

Inga Thompson
Three-time Olympic cyclist

P.S. If you want to help us deliver specific actions and outcomes to protect women’s sports, please consider sponsoring action items for our Capitol Hill fly in. To sponsor delivery actions, click here.