Friend of Israel, we need your help
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Wiping Israel off the map is now an "achievable goal.”

This is what Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander Hossein Salami said in a speech earlier this month.

In an address to IRGC leaders, broadcasted by multiple news outlets in Iran, Gen. Salami said:  "This sinister regime must be wiped off the map and this is no longer...a dream (but) it is an achievable goal".

Salami further added that Iran has "managed to obtain the capacity to destroy the impostor Zionist regime."

Iranian Gen. Salami's inflammatory remarks shed light on the radical and dangerous goal of a regime that is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, which spends more than $7 billion annually to fund terrorism throughout the world.  

In Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, Iranian forces and terrorist proxies are surrounding Israel with increasingly advanced weaponry, in preparation for the next large-scale conflict against the Jewish state.

That’s why we’re turning to you.

Your help is essential.

Please help AIPAC start our new fiscal year off  strong and ensure we have the resources to help strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance.

We've already seen the dramatic impact of U.S. pressure on Iran. Iranian oil exports have declined. International companies are pulling out of business deals with the regime. The rial is plummeting in value.

But there is still more work to do to compel Iran's leaders to change their ways.

As our new fiscal year begins, I hope we can count on you to help keep lawmakers informed about the ongoing threat from Iran.

Please support AIPAC today.
Thank you,
Brian Shankman
Director of Regional Affairs and Development

251 H St. NW • Washington D.C. • TEL 202-639-5200

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