We just glanced at our fundraising numbers ahead of a critical end-of-month deadline and noticed something interesting: Our average contribution has shrunk by more than 25% since the beginning of this year — from $20.29 at the end of 2020 to $14.54 in July.
When you rely on small-dollar contributions like we do, that’s a big difference. And because the summer can be a challenging time to fundraise, we’re counting on people like you reading emails like this one to turn it around and help us close out July strong.
There’s so much on the line for working people, and every contribution, no matter the amount, ensures we have the resources to throw down for the fights ahead. Can you contribute $20.29 — to increase our average gift — or whatever you can afford to help us reach our end-of-month goal of 4,500 donations?
Contribute $20.29
Our organizing doesn’t take the summer off — and neither can our online fundraising. Here’s why:
We’re working hard to elect WFP champions in 2021 and 2022 after a wave of important WFP victories in New York State last month. Charles Booker in Kentucky, Malcolm Kenyatta in Pennsylvania, Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin, and Nina Turner’s primary next week in Ohio — all of these races have huge implications, and we’re just getting started recruiting and electing more progressive champions nationwide.
And Congress still must take bold action to meet the overlapping crises we are still facing. From ramping up our on-the-ground efforts in Arizona and West Virginia, to mobilizing working people across the country to contact their members of Congress, to organizing artists and activists next month at the Can’t Wait Live concert in Philadelphia — we’re escalating our calls for Congress to make massive investments in jobs, climate, care, housing, and immigration, and holding Democrats accountable for the promises they made on the campaign trail last year.
Even when our fundraising slows down, we’re still proud of our numbers because they show that WFP is powered by people (not corporate donors) inspired to give what they can, when they can. But we need to make sure that we have the resources needed to continue fighting for working people across the country.
Every dollar we raise goes straight towards our organizing and advocacy efforts towards a better, more just future. Can we count on you to be one of our 4,500 grassroots supporters to contribute $20.29 or whatever you can afford to WFP this month?
In solidarity,
All of us at the Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).