Dear John, After decades of wasteful and reckless spending, America’s national debt stands at $28.5 TRILLION. As bad as that number may seem, it is going to get much worse. If nothing is done, the national debt will increase to $41 trillion over the next 10 years. This would have a devastating impact on our economy and create a significant threat to our freedom and liberty. Right now, Congress is discussing raising the debt limit to allow this massive increase in spending to occur. This presents a prime opportunity for taxpayers like you to demand that Congress tie any increase in the national debt to cuts in wasteful spending. Please contact your members of Congress right now and demand that any increase in the debt limit must be tied to significant spending cuts. John, it’s past time for Washington to make meaningful reductions in the spending that’s driving the national debt to unsustainable levels. If we just allow Congress to continue to increase the national debt unchecked, future generations will be immorally forced to pay for the failure of this generation’s political leaders to have the fortitude and political will to save American from bankruptcy. Even though America’s debt and spending problems are unprecedented, CAGW has the best resource for lawmakers on how and where to cut wasteful government spending and get the debt under control. Our Prime Cuts report shows how to eliminate the worst waste in government and prevent the terrible consequences of the projected massive increase in the national debt. The most recent edition of our annual report identifies 593 specific recommendations from bipartisan and nonpartisan sources that would save taxpayers $444 billion in the first year and $4 trillion over five years. I urge you to write to your elected officials to demand they use the debt limit increase to reduce wasteful spending and use CAGW’s recommendations to determine what to cut. Please take action right now. On July 31, the Treasury Department will bump up against the statutory debt limit. Discussions on raising the debt limit are taking place on Capitol Hill right now, and it’s imperative that your voice is heard as soon as possible. It will take less than two minutes of your time to take action. Please do not delay – contact your elected officials today and tell them to tie spending cuts to any increase in the debt limit. Thank you for helping to cut the deficit spending that is bankrupting America. Sincerely, Deborah Collier Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs |