Reason | On paper, Biden is ending the U.S. combat mission in Iraq. He's actually leaving American troops in danger.
Dan Caldwell, senior adviser to Concerned Veterans for America and himself a veteran of the Iraq War, says an American troop presence in Iraq "is not required for our safety or conditions or prosperity," nor will it "fundamentally alter the direction in which Iraq is heading."
Virginian-Pilot | Congress must assert its role in America's war efforts
To say American troops shouldn't be in Iraq anymore doesn't disparage the sacrifices my fellow soldiers and I made. On the contrary, I believe it honors our service to make honest assessments about the war and about the future of troops on the ground.
My assessment brings me to one clear conclusion: We as soldiers held up our end of the bargain, often at the expense of our bodies and minds. Congress has not held up its end, relinquishing its war power responsibility and dodging difficult decisions. |