


STOP K-12 CRT Critical Race Theory
Racist Indoctrination in Schools 



Dear John,

Critical Race Theory was once reserved for debate within the confines of Higher Education and Law School.

America's K-12 Government Schools have now been infected with this hateful and racially divisive curriculum adapted for every grade level and widely adopted in most States. 

ACT for America Legislation Efforts
ACT for America and our Grassroots Activists have helped pass bills to ban CRT in eight states including Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. In addition, ACT helped pass a State Board of Education Resoluutioin or Ruling in States including Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. 

States with Pending Legislation
We have nine states with pending legislation, six of which are in an active session and the balance to be reintroduced in their next session. These states include Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. 

Six states are in an active session and do not have a CRT preventative bill introduced. These states include California, Indiana, Louisiana, New York, Maryland, and New Jersey. Watch for action alerts if you are in one of these six states. 


CRT Prohibitive Laws States
States Protected 12
States with Bills Pending 9
States Failed Bills 3
States with No Legislation 29


STOP K-12 CRT Critical Race Theory


ACT Together, Win Together
in 5 Easy Steps

1. State Legislature Sponsors.
If you are currently serving in your State Legislature and have not yet passed a K-12 bill to protect schools from CRT curriculum, please download the link provided and contact us immediately for sample legislation and our full support to pass a bill in your state. Email
[email protected] with any questions. 
2. State Legislature Outreach and Support.
We will partner with any activist willing to develop and secure legislative sponsors. Grassroots groups can petition their legislators, together, to make a bigger impact. 
3. Grassroots Localized Mobilization.
Please see our attached
CRT Strategic Grassroots Mobilization Plan to help you effectively organize and DEFEAT CRT in your state!
4. ACT for America High Priority Legislative Watch List.
We are tracking the status of K-12 CRT legislation at the State and Federal levels. Watch for future action alerts in your state.

5. Fund the Fight. 
We need your help to fight CRT across the country. 




Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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