There is, still in this country, a freedom column. This is our hope. This is our salvation. WE the people will stop the coup.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

FREEDOM 🇺🇸 VICTORY: Federal Court Reverses CDC Order On Cruise Ship Restrictions in HUGE Win for DeSantis
There is, still in this country, a freedom column. This is our hope. This is our salvation. WE the people will stop the coup.

Court reverses course on COVID-19 cruise-ship regulations, lifting CDC’s safety measures

By Angie DiMichele and ...

Twitter Suspends Nation Of Islam For Attacking Vaccines, But Not Attacking Jews
More irrefutable proof of leftist Jew hatred.

Twitter Suspends Nation Of Islam For Attacking Vaccines, But Not Attacking Jews By Gabe Kaminsky, The Federalist, July 26, 2021:

The Nation of Islam, an extremist antisemitic group ran by Louis ...

Fourth Graders in Minnesota Told Not to Tell Parents About Racist, Anti-White Training In School
What parent, what mom, will stand by while their children were abused and radicalized?

Lids were told to stay mum about an “equity survey” they were required to fill out that informs the white kids about how racist they all are.

Per Fox ...

Protests Rage Across Europe: Millions March in Defense of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM
I never thought I'd say this but America is a global embarrassment.

Hundreds of thousands protested in defense of individual freedom.The world is more America than…….. America.

Social media was awash with tweets and Facebook posts ...

A Seven-Day Journey Through The War Against The American People
The story that will not be told by our captors.

A Seven-Day Journey Through The Revolt Against The American People

Every single day, more and more Americans are finding their lives held hostage by the ideology of an elite that has the ...

VIDEO: Thug Beats 68-Year-Old Man Senseless In Broad Daylight in Democrat-Ruined NYC
Absolutely horrific. Sadly, this kind of savagery is now common in the once great and now lawless city of New York.

WANTED for A Robbery in the vicinity of Pitkin Avenue and Barbey Street. #Brooklyn @NYPD75pct on 7/24/21 @ 9:05 AM The ...

Ashli Babbitt’s Mom: Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated The Killing Of My Daughter
Ashli Babbit was murdered by a hijacked USG staging an election coup against the we the people. Murdered. And then Democrat party is shielding the murder and creating an fictional, alternative narrative in order to persecute those we stand in ...

CRAVEN COWARD: Philip Morris International CEO Said Cigarettes Should Be Banned
“As a group, businessmen have been withdrawing for decades from the ideological battlefield, disarmed by the deadly combination of altruism and Pragmatism. Their public policy has consisted in appeasing, compromising and apologizing: appeasing ...

Plague of Antisemitism Infects College Campuses
Photo illustrative: a screenshot from the documentary 'Crossing the Line 2,' which depicts rising anti-Semitic activity on North American campuses. (Courtesy)

Antisemitic contagion contaminates college campuses

By Quin Hillyer | Washington ...

Stealing An Election
“We are, rather, haunted by the evidence that something wasn’t right about the election, even if that evidence isn’t legally conclusive or dispositive.”

We conspiracists, we happy few

One thing we won’t stand for is usurpation. ...

Terror-Tied CAIR Demands “Islamophobia Envoy”
CAIR’s 2021 Mid-Year Report tries to make the case for the creation for an Islamophobia envoy.

Notably, as can be seen here @11:14, Ilhan Omar wants the envoy to have “the force of law.”

So the decision to create a sort of ...


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