Dear John,
If you saw the very different reactions to President Trump’s and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s speeches before the United Nations late last month, you understand why I am writing again today to ask for your financial support to help us DRAMATICALLY SLASH U.S. TAXPAYER FUNDING for the corrupt and wasteful UN.
Just a few short weeks ago, President Rouhani travelled to American soil and stood before the UN General Assembly to declare that the United States was committing “merciless economic terrorism.” The remarks came just one day after President Trump stood before the body and correctly declared that Iran was “one of the greatest threats” to world peace.
While President Trump spoke, other world leaders were seen laughing, reading books, and falling asleep, and yet President Rouhani’s outrageous remarks received no condemnation!
Dictators and despots like Iran’s Rouhani earn their legitimacy from the UN and benefit from the more than 10 BILLION TAX DOLLARS we provide annually to the world body, but they ignore or laugh at our President when he extolls our American values of democracy, justice, free enterprise, and private property rights.
John, this is the last straw. We must seize on the public outrage sparked by the response to these two speeches to build a national mandate to SLASH U.S. FUNDING OF THE UN!
President Trump already negotiated a $285 million cut in the UN's 2018-2019 operating budget. In addition, he secured a $600 million reduction in the UN’s 2017 peacekeeping budget and has pledged that the U.S. will no longer shoulder more than a quarter of the costs of the UN’s peacekeeping operations.
But there’s only so much that President Trump can do alone, John. He needs our backing to get Congress to act!
That’s why I urgently need to ask you for a contribution to support CAGW’s drive to SLASH U.S. TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR THE UN today.
Your support will be critical in two ways.
First, your contribution will enable us to rally citizens from all over the country by broadcasting how the UN is an organization that receives the lion’s share of its budget from U.S. taxpayers – and wastes much of it on an unelected, unaccountable, anti-American bureaucracy.
With your contribution, we will also publicize how the UN provides a platform for authoritarian dictators like Iran’s Rouhani that despise us to propagandize and work against our security and economic interests.
Second, your financial support will make it possible for CAGW to go toe-to-toe with the entrenched special interests and liberal politicians who see nothing wrong with sending billions of our tax dollars to an organization that attacks our American values and fails to act in the face of world crises.
John, we have a critical window of opportunity right now to marshal the overwhelming demonstration of public support needed to get Congress to SLASH U.S. TAXPAYER FUNDING OF THE UN.
But I need you to make your largest possible contribution today of $10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or even more to help us succeed. Thank you.
Thomas A. Schatz
P.S. President Trump recognizes that the UN is a colossal waste of our tax dollars and is calling for drastic cuts in U.S. funding. But to help the President overcome the very vocal special interests that back and benefit from the UN and rally the public outcry necessary to get Congress to act, CAGW urgently needs your financial support today. Please make your largest possible contribution right now to help us protect your tax dollars from the wasteful, bloated, anti-American bureaucracy at the UN.