We want to know what the right to vote means to you.
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John, when we asked NDRC supporters to tell us in your own words what the right to vote means to you, we were blown away by the response. Here are just a few of the amazing, thoughtful answers we received:

"As long as I feel confident in my access to vote I know we are still a nation of laws and principles. Freedom to vote is freedom to speak to power, without which we are no longer a democracy."
-- Claire

"To simply cast my vote, in a timely manner, without harassment, and know it will be counted."
-- Robert

"My right to vote means to me that as small as my voice is, I still have a voice in what happens to me & my community. Voting is my way of challenging the status quo and being heard."
-- Steven

When we launched the NDRC in early 2017, we set out to build a grassroots army of folks all over the country who are invested in the fights for fair maps and voting rights. Your answers tell us we’re doing something right -- and motivate us to work even harder to complete our mission.

Will you take a moment to read the email below, and then share in your own words what the right to vote means to you?

-- Team NDRC

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: National Democratic Redistricting Committee
Subject: What does the freedom to vote mean to you?


What does the freedom to vote mean to you?

We talk about the freedom to vote quite a bit here at the NDRC. Our belief in its centrality to a functioning democracy is at the core of our work.

It's sad that Republicans and conservatives claim to love freedom so much when in reality they're working so hard to undermine what might be our most important freedom -- the freedom to have a say in how we are governed. It's ironic, but not surprising. After all, this is the party that's been pushing voter suppression laws and manipulating district maps for the last decade or more.

We want to hear from you, in your own words, what Republicans are trying to take away. What does the freedom to vote mean to you? Is it about picking the representatives you want? Getting the policies you favor passed into law? Our basic right as Americans to have a say?

Let us know, and we'll report back soon with our favorite responses.
