John, as you may have seen, today was a busy day. But I’m not emailing about that. I’m emailing about the state of our democracy, and where we go from here.

The GOP has fully succumbed to the takeover of their party by the former president, to his lies, and to his cult of personality. They have taken on his values – or lack thereof. And that is dangerous for our democracy.

Here’s why that matters:

If the 74 million people across the country who voted for the former president turn out again next November, our slim House Majority and 50-50 Senate would be completely overwhelmed by the GOP. We could lose the House and Senate.

Not only that, but our democracy would continue the four-year decline of the last administration. No legislation would be passed. Republican obstructionism unlike anything we’ve ever seen before would dominate Washington. Voting rights would continue to be stripped away from people of color across the nation. And the table would be set for a second term of Donald Trump in 2024.

If that sounds like a dystopian nightmare, it is, but it could very well become our fate if we don’t act. I believe we can prevent it. Because we have you on our side.

Republicans are outraising us every single day. So we need to step up and fight back. We need to defend our democracy and our slim majorities. Will you pitch in $10 right now to help us protect Democrats from losing Washington to Trump’s GOP?

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The task ahead will not be easy. We’re up against people who have no respect for the truth, for decency, or for our democracy.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe the good guys can win in the end. Especially with you on our side. 

— Adam