Although political experts at CNN are calling Florida's Senate seat one of the most likely to flip blue – and Cook Political Report increased our chances of winning – the Senate Republican campaign arm just hauled in $28 million in the span of a few months. That large sum, in addition to the $4 million Marco Rubio just raised, means Republicans have already built a massive war chest to defeat me, keep this seat red and flip the Senate for Mitch McConnell.
Experts are predicting this could be the most expensive Senate race ever, and I could lose in Florida and fail to protect our Democratic Senate majority if Rubio and the GOP outspend me. It makes me concerned. Because, right now, I'm still falling $56,000 short of my End of Month goal with only 96 hours until my important deadline, which is why I'm reaching out to you with this urgent message.
I've asked a lot of you lately because I know what this team is capable of. We can defeat Marco Rubio and protect our Senate majority – but it means hitting every single fundraising goal to be able to compete.
So I'm counting on my most committed grassroots supporters – including you, friend – to give right now: