Did you know... that the Boundary Waters & the greater 4.3 million acre ecosystem is one of the 6 most important regions in the lower 48 states critically necessary for adaptation, resilience, and biodiversity? _____ It's true -- the Boundary Waters, Superior National Forest, Voyageurs National Park, and Quetico Provincial Park in Canada make up one incredibly healthy, wild, and large interconnected ecosystem. These wild lands and immaculate freshwaters provide critical habitat and a pathway for migration of species.
The Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters takes this science and climate modeling to policymakers in our state and nation’s capitals.
With your support, we can do more. Invest in the future of our wilderness and our planet by making a gift today. Proposed sulfide-ore copper mining in the headwaters of this critical landscape would destroy those characteristics necessary for the Boundary Waters ecosystem to play an important role in addressing the climate and extinction emergency.
We are looking for long-term partners in this effort to protect the Boundary Waters and to fight climate change. Will you support the Campaign by becoming a monthly donor today?
Want to learn more about the Boundary Waters and climate change? You can read more here.
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