Here's the deal, folks:
Right now we’re in a really important goal push that will help us hold back the Republicans as they try to regain control of the House, of the Senate, and of the Governor’s office itself.
We need to raise $25,000 by midnight on Saturday to have a shot at holding our majority in the House of Delegates and the Governor’s office.
Are you in? Will you make a donation right now to be split between the Democratic Party of Virginia and Terry McAuliffe’s campaign?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Democratic Party of Virginia and Terry McAuliffe and go through immediately:
We don’t need to remind you that we’re only holding our majorities by a sliver of a thread, and the polls in the Governor’s race have Terry and his Trump-endorsed opponent running neck-and-neck.
We aren’t exaggerating when we say that this is the most important election of 2021.
-- VA Dems