
I wanted to make sure that you saw last week's email from Jeri. There is still time to get a free hat or visor if you donate $30 or more before this fundraiser ends. 

>>Click here to donate now and prevent gun violence and claim your hat(s) or visor(s). 

Thank you,


-----Forwarded message-----


Dear John,

I think we all know by now that gun violence spikes during the summer months, and, sadly, this year is no different.

Yet, despite the demand for intense gun violence prevention efforts during this summer, the hard truth is that donations go way down. The bottom line is we need your help. Please give to our efforts to prevent gun violence today.

I promise you, even as temperatures go up, we are working hard to pass lifesaving laws and to acquire funding for frontline violence interruption programs, like 414Life and Focused Interruption. At the same time, we are working tirelessly to prevent the passage of dangerous legislation. On top of that, we are helping to prepare the next generation of gun violence prevention leaders with our summer internship program. In short, we are doing all we can to create a safer Wisconsin for this summer and beyond.

Your donation will support all of these efforts!

So, here's what you can do:
1. Donate $30 or more and pick the hat or visor that's just right for you.
2. Donate $57 or more and pick two hats or visors.

Or, if you want to do something really special...
3. Donate $57 or more and pick one hat or visor for you and donate the other one to our summer interns!

Together, we really can make Wisconsin safer -- even in summer!

>> Click here to donate $30 or more right now and claim your WAVE hat or visor. Alternatively, donate $57 or more to receive one cap or visor for you and one for a friend or intern!

Grateful for your support,



WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 |

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