If we want to break through the barriers of injustice in our elections systems and our legislation, we need to build up a progressive resistance for change from the ground up.



FIRST: We launched Ground Game Texas in June with a goal to build up a grassroots wave of support in the fight to put popular issues on local ballots and boost voter turnout across Texas.

We quickly realized that people all over were ready to invest in our work to bring deeply-needed change to communities across Texas. If we want to break through the barriers of injustice in our elections systems and our legislation, we’re counting on folks like you to chip in to our movement.

THEN: We hit the ground running.

We set out to reach as many voters as possible, recruit a massive team of volunteers, and prepared to launch our first ever petition action in Austin to decriminalize weed and ban dangerous “no-knock” warrants. We began quickly building support for our initiative, collecting over 500 signatures per day in Austin and gaining immense support from the community.

NOW: We’re in a two-front battle, but we’re fighting full steam ahead.

Not only do we need to reach as many voters as possible in Texas before November 2022, we’re prioritizing and amplifying local campaigns, winning issues, and in-person organizing — and we’re doing it year round. Yet every day, Governor Abbott and other lawmakers take steps to pass extreme, racialized voter suppression bills in order to protect the broken status quo and undermine our progressive work.

All of our voices deserve to be heard, friend. That’s why we’re so dedicated to reach our goal of $10,000 in grassroots donations by July 31st, so we can make sure our fearless teams of volunteers have the tools and resources to make a much needed impact on Texas. Can you help us get over the finish line, friend? Please click here to make a contribution to Ground Game Texas Today.

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Team Ground Game Texas