How to use a whiteboard with Congresswoman Katie Porter /Source: The New York Times
Step 1: Choose your topic
Katie uses her whiteboard to more easily explain tricky topics, like:
Big Pharma price gouging
The implications of Trump’s corrupt postmaster
The benefits of free covid testing for all Americans
Katie Porter: Whether in a classroom or the halls of Congress, a dry-erase board can help simplify even the most complicated topics.
Step 2: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Katie says there’s no shame in erasing something from your board -- “the whiteboard encourages revision.”
Step 3: Use your blank space wisely.
Katie Porte: Sometimes what you don’t put on the whiteboard can be just as telling as what you do.
Katie recently asked a pharmaceutical executive to explain how he defended paying himself and other executives over $124 million in just three years. She left her white board blank while she awaited his response to emphasize his silence.
Katie’s race is one of the most competitive in the country and vital for maintaining our Democratic House Majority. Give Katie the resources to keep wielding her whiteboard in the halls of Congress -- rush a split donation to Katie Porter and Hold the House today! [[link removed]]
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