This must be where we plant our flag. "Americans should see 2020 and the January 6 riots as a wake-up call to the future our nation faces should election integrity not be restored."
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Why Democrats’ Massive Effort To Suppress Election Concerns Is A Grave Danger
This must be where we plant our flag.

Why Democrats’ Massive Effort To Suppress Election Concerns Is Dangerous

Americans should see 2020 and the January 6 riots as a wake-up call to the future our nation faces should election integrity ...

The FBI’s Whitmer Kidnapping Case Looks Like A Potemkin Terror Plot
This should propel every American into action.

The FBI, through informants and undercover agents, hatched the kidnapping plot, served in the key leadership positions of the militia group, trained the militia members in military tactics, ...

Democrats Panic As Senate Seat Loss Looms
Watch how the thieving Democrats go in for the election steal. Watch 'em!

Poll: Potential Sununu-Hassan Match-Up In N.H. Is Good News For Republicans

The 2022 race for New Hampshire’s U.S. Senate seat is a dead heat.

By: Martin Walsh, ...

Democrats: ‘We’re Fucked’ with Election Integrity Laws in 18 States
The coup party of treason, hatred, election fraud, oppression, political persecution and censorship must be defeated. It's the only way to save the Republic.

Free and fair elections is where we plant our flag.

TRUMP PEACE: Israel officially launches direct flights to Morocco
Once again, President Trump performed miracles in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Imagine what could have been if President Trump remained in office. Israel would have established full diplomatic relations with several other Muslim ...

WATCH: Demented Perv Biden Delivers Bizarre Speech, Asks ‘Where’s Mom?’
Trump won. And the Democrats stole it. America is in freefall.

Biden Delivers Bizarre Speech, Asks ‘Where’s Mom?’

By: The First, Janaury 25, 2021:

President Biden continued to confuse millions of Americans Monday when he forgot ...

ISLAMIC JEW HATRED: ANOTHER Muslim Athlete Refuses to Compete With Jewish Athlete, Drops Out of Olympics,
Disgusting Nazis. And the world stands by — globalism is antisemtism.

Scroll: Islamic Jew-Hatred.

Related:“Moderate” Algeria: Muslim Judoka Quits Olympics Rather Than Compete With Jewish Athlete

Algerian suspended from world judo ...

Christian Woman Preacher in Charlie Hebdo Shirt Attacked Stabbed By Muslim Mob at London’s Speakers’ Corner
If a Muslim woman was attacked by a “Christian mob” (unheard of), they would be rounding us all up. But supremacist Muslims are a protected elite class. Bow and scrape.

Photo: Screenshot (SOCO films via YouTube)

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, Paypal Creating Shared Counterterrorism “Key Database” Against Patriots, Constitutionalists, Free Speech Activists
Tech giants are lining up to aid and abet the persecution of patriotic Americans and anyone who opposes the Democrat's communist crackdown on freedom. Lest we forget, these same companies who fought and refused to work with LE and share their data ...

UK Lifts Speaking Ban on Jihad Preacher Who Called for Murder of Pamela Geller, Foes of Jihad Terror Still Barred
Anjem Choudary, a jihad preacher whose followers have mounted several jihad terror attacks in Britain, can speak in public again. The Evening Standard reported Sunday that Choudary has been “subject to licence conditions” ever since he was ...

Germany Proposing Separations Of The Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.
Merkel is taking a page from Hitler.

You see how this is going. If someone gets the virus, the unvaccinated will get blamed, however illogical that is. This is going to get super dark very fast. You have been warned.

— Matthew Marsden ...

Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Bribed Rival To Not Run Against Her, Offered Six-Figure Job At Congressional Office
The criminal party has dropped all pretense and has ratcheted up its coup as it continues to dismantle and destroy our most trusted and sacred institutions.

Illinois Democrat

Democrat Illinois Rep. Marie Newman admitted to a federal judge ...

SUB ROSA: WATCH Suspected Federal Operative Clandestinely Coordinates Breach of Capitol, Crowd Sees Through It, Chants “FED! FED! FED!”
“Probably the most damning video shot is on January 5th. Suspected undercover Federal Operative trying to clandestinely coordinate the breach of the Capitol. Many in the crowd see what is happening and chant “Fed, Fed, Fed!” ...

Report: Minnesota Election System ‘Weakest In The Nation’
Crooked as hell. The Democrats are a criminal party. When do we start prosecuting?

If the Democrat politicians continue to impede the process of keeping the roles clean, it's long past due for states to treat a voter’s registration the same ...

Israeli-Led Mission Sets Sail For Sudan To Study Red Sea Coral Reefs With Sudanese Researchers
Practically every day we are reminded of the miracles that President Trump brought to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. If President Trump had a second term in office, Israel would have established relations with several other Muslim ...

NIGERIA: Security Operatives Repel Attack on Geidam Town by Islamic Terrorist Group Boko Haram
Boko Haram’s attack on Geidam, one of the biggest towns in Nigeria’s Yobe State, was foiled on Wednesday evening by security operatives.

Discussing the incident, Modu Ali, a resident, hailed security operatives for responding quickly to ...


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