
Texas is ground zero for extreme restrictions on women’s reproductive healthcare – and a new law passed by the state GOP has an offensive twist on Republicans’ outright assault on reproductive freedoms.

Texas Republicans have not only passed an unconstitutional ban on abortion beyond six weeks of pregnancy – before most women can know or even be aware that they are pregnant - but have also opened the door for anyone in the entire country to sue Texas health clinics, doctors, and just about anyone who helps a woman exercise her constitutional reproductive rights.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon rule on Mississippi’s abortion ban, which could effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. Add to that threat Texas’ extremist provisions, and we are faced with yet further reason for Congress to act urgently. My bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act, would protect women’s health through access to safe and legal abortion – no matter what extremist legislators try to do and no matter how the Supreme Court rules. #Healthcare no matter what.

In light of what’s happening in Texas and around the country, I’m counting on 875 people to sign my petition urging Congress to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act so we can defend reproductive health. Even if you’ve spoken out before, there is renewed urgency to speak out again and again and again. Please, sign on now.

As we’ve seen with Republican-led attacks to restrict voting rights, when extremist laws take hold in one state, they can spread like wildfire to others. Texas’ sickening new maneuver will be a model for anti-choice legislators across the country, and that’s why action at the federal level to block these extremist laws is so necessary.

If we do nothing, Texas is only the beginning. Our country could return to dark days where every single woman’s personal decision about when to have a child is controlled by the government – back to the days where abortion care was driven underground and made unsafe.

I will fight with everything I have to prevent that from happening, but I need you to help me pass this vital legislation through Congress. Please, can I count on you to sign my petition now urging Congress to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act? I’m counting on 875 team members to sign on before midnight to protect abortion access.

Thank you,


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