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We need COVID-19 mandates to reach herd immunity. Start by requiring vaccine proof to fly.

To get to herd immunity within a reasonable time frame, the Biden administration is going to need to add to its arsenal some targeted vaccine mandates — and the obvious first step is to require proof of vaccination when embarking on an airplane.
→ We need COVID-19 mandates to reach herd immunity. Start by requiring vaccine proof to fly.
by Paul Weinstein Jr. and Will Marshall, for USA Today
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New from the Experts


> Invest in the Workers who are Building Back Better

PPI's Director of Social Policy, Veronica Goodman, wrote a new piece for The Hill on why it's so important for Congress to keep workforce development funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework.
 The Hill

> Rebuild, Responsibly

PPI's Ben Ritz recently wrote on the challenge the Senate faces in financing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, and offers ways we can pay for this massive spending bill. 
→ Forbes

> Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth

PPI recently supported Representative Kilmer and Senator Coons' RECOMPETE Act, which would establish new grant programs to invest in communities that are economically-distressed. 
New Democrat Coalition
📅Up Next at PPI:

Global Tech, Global Democracy: How Tech Has Broken Down International Boundaries?


Tuesday, July 27th at 7:00PM ET

Technology is breaking down international boundaries in ways expected and unexpected. How can we develop international solutions to ensure that we benefit from technology’s promise while avoiding its dangers? Topics will include civic integrity, combatting online misinformation, freedom of speech and the role tech has played in elections.

This event will feature special guests:

  • Rep. Joe Courtney, U.S. Rep. for Connecticut’s 2nd District, Co-Chair of the Friends of Australia Caucus, serves on the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services and the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce; and 
  • Hon Ed Husic MP, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Industry and Innovation, Member of Australian House of Representatives.

Reinventing America’s Schools hosts the Webinar “We Got Next… The Future of School Choice”


Wednesday, August 4th at 1:00PM ET

Join us for a webinar with the leaders who will shape the next chapter in the fight for educational equity in America. In a follow-up to our celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the passage of the first charter school law in America, we look forward 30 years. What will America’s public school system look like in 2050? What should we be fighting for? Who should be at the table driving change? Tune in to learn from experts who are taking steps to shape the future of Black & Brown students in America.

The webinar is co-sponsored by Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project and The 74.

Panelists will include:

  • Alisha Thomas Morgan, Former State Representative, Georgia
  • Dr. Charles Cole, Founder, Energy Convertors
  • Naomi Shelton, CEO, National Charter Collaborative
  • Jada Bolar, Executive Producer, National Parents Union
  • Patrick Jones, Senior Vice President, The Mind Trust



> A Transatlantic Response to the China Challenge, with Reps. Gerry Connolly and Ami Bera and MEP Reinhard Bütikofer  

 On July 15, 2021, PPI hosted a dialogue between key United States and European Union policymakers on how to craft a stronger transatlantic response to China.

Special guests included U.S. Representatives Gerry Connolly (VA-11) and Ami Bera (CA-07), both members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and MEP Reinhard Bütikofer of the Greens-European Free Alliance Party. Butikofer, who chairs a European Parliament committee focused on EU relations with China, has been the leading voice in Brussels for a tougher European response to China.

PPI President Will Marshall moderated the conversation.

📰 Hot Off the Press

> PPI On Your Airwaves

PPI's Paul Bledsoe joined Newsday on the BBC World Service to discuss flooding in China and the global fight against climate change. 
→ BBC World Service Radio - Newsday

Tom Spencer, Chief Organizer of the London Neoliberals, joined Darryl Morris on talkRadio to discuss today's biggest news stories, including the COVID-19 vaccine, freedom of speech in the House of Commons and the 2020 Olympic Games.

> An Expert Opinion

Congress has passed bills that authorize billions of dollars to be spent on new technologies, but appropriators must still offer up the cash. Roll Call mentions PPI's Caleb Watney when discussing tensions between how appropriators want their contributions to be managed.
Roll Call

> Mask Up!

Last week, President Biden hinted that the CDC will likely recommend that individuals under 12 wear masks to school. In this article, Reason cites PPI's Alec Stapp to demonstrate how vaccination and other public health measures have severed the link between COVID-19 cases and deaths.   

> Making a Lasting Impact

Florida's Sebastian City Council has debated using its American Rescue Plan funding to provide staffers with bonuses. TC Palm cites Ben Ritz's argument that the money should be used to make a lasting impact and help governments fund revenue losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.   
TC Palm

> RECOMPETE to Compete

In this article, PPI's President Will Marshall celebrates the RECOMPETE Act, a new and commonsense way to spur economic growth and create jobs. 
The Suburban Times
👂We're All Ears
Last week's episode of Radically Pragmatic features an interview with Rep. Veronica Escobar on the impact of the Child Tax Credit, and how this new tool is helping families recover from the pandemic.
It's the return of Real Neoliberal Hour, with political junkies and comedians Andrea Jones Rooy and Andrew Heaton. Be sure to listen and subscribe to catch all of the Neoliberal updates!
📊 Don't Miss These PPI Reports
In this report, PPI's Dr. Michael Mandel and Elliot Long identify 25 Investment Heroes, or companies that invested the most in the United States this past year. As a collective, the Investment Heroes spent $216 billion in domestic capital expenditures in 2020. Holding 11 spots on the list, tech, broadband and ecommerce companies were the country's greatest Investment Heroes. Read the full report to see which companies made the list! 
Today's young adults face a difficult job market. This has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, research shows that 25% of America's youth will not be in school or working when the pandemic ends. In this paper, PPI's Veronica Goodman, Tressa Pankovits and Tess Murphy review several case studies that explore how to better connect students with careers in today's job market. 
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