As we root for Team USA this summer, we must demand fairness and competitiveness in women’s sports! John, The Olympics has traditionally been the epitome of tough, fair competition. Yet, in this age of wokeness, the Summer Olympics in Tokyo has embraced an uneven playing field for women’s athletics. It is entirely unfair to force women athletes to compete against men. What is the point of competition when one side is given a significant unfair advantage? Governor DeSantis is fighting back against this inequity by signing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act! This bill protects female athletes in Florida and guarantees the opportunity for a level playing field where women can demonstrate their skill. Sports can teach many valuable lessons, but with Democrats trying to destroy fair competition in female athletics, women gaining that valued experience is at risk. Show your support to protect equal opportunity in women’s sports by signing the petition now! As we root for Team USA this summer, we must demand fairness and competitiveness in women’s sports! Thank you for supporting female athletes everywhere! Team DeSantis DONATE NOW VISIT US AT WWW.RONDESANTIS.COM Sponsored by Friends of Ron DeSantis. Friends of Ron DeSantis | 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606 Unsubscribe
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