BIG NEWS! Elizabeth Warren just endorsed Charles Booker in the 2022 U.S. Senate race to defeat Rand Paul in Kentucky!

Can you donate to Charles Booker's campaign today?

In an email this morning, Elizabeth Warren told supporters "I am overjoyed to announce my endorsement of Charles Booker for U.S. Senate...He's campaigning on a bold progressive agenda that does right by working families, and makes sure that billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share."

Warren shared Booker's background -- and asked folks to help:

"And Charles isn’t just talking the talk. This is a man who has lived the struggles other politicians just talk about. He grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky. He experienced the pain of poverty firsthand, and saw his mom skip meals just so he could have enough. He’s been homeless, and had to ration his insulin because he couldn’t afford the medication he needed as a Type 1 diabetic."

"Now, he’s running to lift up working families in Kentucky and beyond. I couldn’t be prouder to offer my support for his campaign, and today I’m asking for your help."

Donate to Charles Booker's campaign today. As Elizabeth Warren notes in her email, "Your donation is especially important since Charles is up against his very first end-of-month fundraising deadline in a few days."

Warren acknowledged that some people may think "Gee, isn’t Kentucky a red state? Isn’t it going to be hard to win?" But then she gave this reminder about her own campaign:

"When I was first thinking about running for the Senate, I heard the same thing. People said I’d never win.

"The Republican incumbent was popular and had a big campaign bank account. A woman had never won as Senator or Governor in Massachusetts before.

"But, I decided to go for it because I believed we could make a difference. We ran uphill. We built a powerful grassroots movement. And we won that race.

And, she pointed out a fundamental truth about tough races: "As Democrats, we don’t get anywhere by only taking on fights that we know we're going to win. We take on tough fights because that is a measure of who we are. And Kentucky is winnable. But we don’t get what we don’t fight for."

If you're with Warren on this, please chip in to Charles Booker's campaign before his first end-of-month fundraising deadline. This will likely be a very close race so every single donation makes a difference!

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-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)



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