John --

I wanted to make sure you saw this editorial from The San Diego Union-Tribune about the new bipartisan caucus I started to accelerate the removal of radioactive waste at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) and other commercial nuclear power sites across the country.
Read the editorial →

My family and I live about 10 miles from San Onofre. Over eight million people in and around our district live within 50 miles of the plant. Active earthquake faults and rising sea levels add to potential environmental risk.

As I've said many times, the waste at SONGS is the symptom of a greater national problem -- the lack of a permanent repository or interim storage site for the nation's commercial spent nuclear fuel.

I'm glad The San Diego Union-Tribune is taking note of our important, bipartisan work, but there's so much more to do. We must continue sounding the alarm on the danger of keeping spent fuel stored indefinitely at reactor sites, and push for actual solutions.

I'm especially grateful for the work of our SONGS Task Force, who recommended the creation of the caucus in their comprehensive report last year. I'll continue fighting and will keep you in the loop about our progress.

As always, your support helps me fight for bipartisan solutions to these issues and many more each day I serve in Congress.

Thank you for your continued engagement on this and many other important issues.


