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Dear Fellow Patriot,

RINO Mitch McConnell, the GOP's supposed "leader," is threatening us with more lockdowns if we don't take the vaccine: 

What a worthless coward. 

When did forced vaccinations become the message of the Republican Party? We're supposed to stand for freedom. In this case, that means the freedom to not take an experimental vaccine.

Republicans should be standing up for medical freedom. 

But just like on every other issue, these RINO Washington swamp rats are throwing us under the bus again. 

I'm tired of it, and you can help me fix this problem. 

Contribute to my America First campaign right away and tell RINOs like Mitch McConnell that we won't submit to their orders

I could not imagine rolling over to the tyranny of the Communist Democrats, and supporting forced vaccinations and lockdowns.

I simply won't do it.

But I'm not surprised that Mitch McConnell, who tried to block President Trump's agenda at every turn, is once again siding with the Left.

It's time to stand up to the RINOs who have done so much damage to our great country, and replace them with real conservatives.

I'm running against one of those RINOs here in Arkansas, and we've got a great shot to take a U.S. Senate seat on behalf of the America First movement. 

But I need your contributions to my grassroots, America First campaign today.

When I'm in the U.S. Senate, I'll protect your individual liberty, and I'll never cave to the radical Left, but I need your generous support to accomplish that goal today

Show the RINOs in the GOP that if they won't stand for conservative values, they will be replaced. 

It's time to stop caving to the radical Left. 

A generous gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford today will go a long way towards helping me expose these backstabbing GOP traitors for the RINOs they are.

Anything you can give will help me purchase radio and TV ads, along with campaign materials to get the word out about me -- the only America First candidate in the race.

Thank you for not backing down from this fight. 

For America,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. The RINO Establishment wants to force you to take the vaccine, or put you back in lockdowns. 

Once again, they've CAVED to the radical Left. 

Let them know their weakness will be punished with a contribution to my grassroots, America First campaign today


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