Are you watching this?

Friends -

Are you watching this? Bernie came out ON FIRE.

He stood up for Medicare for All and challenged the Democratic Party and the other candidates on the stage to have the GUTS to take on the drug companies and the insurance companies instead of just taking their money. And he demonstrated — clearly — that he is going to be the greatest champion the working people of this country can imagine when we are in the White House.

Bernie’s doing his job tonight, and now all of us have our job — to ensure we win this debate on the stage AND in the reporting that follows.

So what we want to do is report as many individual donations as we possibly can before this debate ends. Each one not only helps us win this primary — it also sends a powerful message that OURS is the grassroots campaign that can beat Trump and transform this country.

So what do you say — let’s make it one of the best nights of the campaign:

Can Bernie count on you to make a $2.70 contribution right now? Every single one counts. Every single one takes us a step closer to what we need to win.

Thanks for standing with Bernie while he’s up there fighting for all of us.

We are going to win.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager