Justice Democrats


Senate Democrats are including Medicare expansion in their next big spending bill — that’s a BIG win in the fight to finally guarantee health care as a human right in this country.

Unfortunately, the Senate proposal only includes improving Medicare benefits to finally cover hearing, dental, and vision. It does NOT yet lower the Medicare eligibility age, which would immediately expand coverage to at least 23 million additional Americans.

Senate Democrats and President Biden need to keep their promises to the American people and lower the eligibility age — and it’s on us to keep the pressure up until they deliver. Will you add your name to join progressives across the country in calling on Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age, improve benefits, and empower Medicare to negotiate down the price of prescription drugs?

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What we’re asking for here isn’t unreasonable. President Biden supported these policies on the campaign trail, and a recent poll showed that people across America — Democrats and Republicans alike — do too.

The same is true inside Congress. More than 70% of Democrats in the House, including folks in tough re-election fights, support expanding Medicare because it’s good policy — but also because we want to show people across America that we’ve delivered for them.

Opening Medicare to millions of new folks gets people care who didn’t have it before, and lowering prescription costs can help people finally get the medicine they need to survive.

Together, we can enact this historic expansion of health care and lower costs for millions of people. Add your name today and join us in calling on Congress to lower the Medicare eligibility age, improve benefits, and empower Medicare to negotiate down the price of prescription drugs.

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In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time. If you’re struggling, you can find a food bank here. We appreciate everything you do to keep our movement strong.

Please stay informed and follow the most up-to-date recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and your state public health department.