Joe Biden just made Virginia’s 2021 campaigns a top priority, team
He knows that Virginia has the most competitive elections of 2021, from the Virginia House of Delegates all the way to the Governor’s office. That’s why he came out on Friday to announce his endorsement of Terry McAuliffe.
With polls of the Governor’s race showing a neck-and-neck election, it’s clear we’re going to need you to make it a priority as well.
Will you make a donation right now that will be split between the Democratic Party of Virginia and Terry McAuliffe’s campaign?
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Joe Biden’s right, folks. We’ve got to protect our progress, and that means keeping our majority -- from the House to the Governor’s office.
Please, pitch in right now to help us keep Virginia blue. >>> [link removed]
Virginia Democrats
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States
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