Friend --
Protect it!
Expand it!
Yesterday, Greens across the country joined or co-organized events
to support the grassroots #M4M4ALL day of action.
No other national political party matches our commitment to
healthcare as a human right. Improved, expanded Medicare-For-All has
been in our platform for decades.
Candidates and elected officials in the corporate-dominated parties
flirt with supporting Medicare-For-All, then back-peddle once elected,
or once it comes up for a legitimate vote.
How many have unnecessarily suffered, died or had to grieve a loved
one, due to lack of access to healthcare, kept from them by greed for
corporate profits and lobbyist donations?
We hope you will donate to the Green Party
today, because the Parties of War and Wall Street will
never deliver on massively popular policies like Medicare-For-All that
can save or improve millions of lives unless we continue to
run candidates and win campaigns.
We hope you find these photos of Green organizers at #M4M4ALL
events as inspiring as we do:
Green Party of Allegheny County
2016 Green Party US Senate Candidate and former Green Party
National Co-Chair Dr. Margaret Flowers
Former Green Party National Co-Chair Gloria Mattera (seen here with
journalist Aaron Matte)
Green Party New York City Council Candidate and NYC #M4M4ALL event
organizer Edwin DeJesus
Green Party of Ohio
and many, many
Improved Medicare-For-All is a direct to challenge to corporate
interests — putting the people before the profits. If we're going to
win it, we need a party and candidates who have pledged
to always put people before profits. That means
refusing corporate money and depending on grassroots support from
everyday people like you. Please
donate today!
Green Party of the United States
P.S. we'll have video of #M4M4All speeches for you this week. In
the meantime, check
out the keynote speech from our Annual National Meeting, by the
amazing Kali Akuno! Support
Green Party grassroots media by donating today!