Dear John,

State lawmakers and elected officials across the political spectrum said fixing Wisconsin’s water quality crisis is one of their top priorities this year.

Now, it’s time to get the job done.

Gov. Tony Evers proclaimed 2019 the year of clean drinking water, and Speaker Robin Vos formed a water quality task force to address the crisis. Gov. Evers has backed up his proclamation with executive orders and legislation aimed at fixing water quality problems in the state. 

The task force must now follow that lead and address this crisis right now.

When the Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality toured Wisconsin, they heard from a wide variety of experts and from people directly impacted by contaminated water. They know what the problems are.

It’s time to act decisively for Wisconsin families and fix the water quality crisis in Wisconsin.

Unfortunately, Big Ag and other polluters have swept in, attempting to stop any progress toward ensuring everyone in Wisconsin has access to clean water.

Those lobbyists, including Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the American Chemistry Council, and the Wisconsin Dairy Alliance, are trying to stall and ultimately stop meaningful attempts at ensuring all Wisconsinites have safe, clean water running from their faucets. 

Years of work by scientists, county conservationists, citizens, farmers, and the Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality will be washed away if the task force members don’t provide comprehensive solutions – not just band-aids and half-measures.

Send the task force members a message now. Tell them to fix our water quality crisis. 

Let these lawmakers know that their failure to present real solutions and pass them into law will harm all of us and future generations. Send your message now.

Thank you for being a conservation voter,

Seth Hoffmeister
Organizing and Political Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters

