Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

July 25, 2021 


Who’s Behind Instability in the Middle East?

Wednesday, July 28
12:00 pm Eastern


The Middle East has suffered immensely from civil wars, especially in the decade following the Arab Spring. Hundreds of thousands have died, millions have fled from their homes, and untold numbers have been subjected to poverty and repression in places from Libya to Iraq and Syria to Yemen.

American policymakers have attempted to blame the chaos on “malign activities” by U.S. rivals, but a new paper by Matthew Petti and Trita Parsi, “No Clean Hands: The Interventions of Middle Eastern Powers, 2010-2020,” suggests that the picture is more complicated. U.S. partners and allies are behind many of the region’s proxy interventions and have gotten increasingly aggressive in recent years. And they have fought each other as much as they have fought against U.S. rivals.

How will — or should — this reality impact U.S. policy, since five out of the six most interventionist states in the region are armed and politically supported by the United States? And what leverage does Washington have to roll back the malign activities of regional powers — friends and enemies alike?

Join QI's Matthew Petti; Tuft's Monica Duffy Toft, and Brookings' Shadi Hamid as they discuss the causes of and solutions to regional instability. QI's Trita Parsi will moderate the conversation.


No Clean Hands: The Interventions of Middle Eastern
Powers, 2010-2020

By Researcher Matthew Petti & Executive Vice President Trita Parsi
Quincy Institute, 7/19/21

A new report upends the premise of a central pillar of U.S. policy in the Middle East since the 1980s: the containment of “rogue” or “pariah” states. 


Will a Military Withdrawal from the Middle East Leave a ‘Vacuum'?

By Mark Perry, Senior Analyst
Quincy Institute, 7/22/21

A new brief weighs in on the ongoing debate over whether, how, and how many U.S. forces should be based in the Middle East, and where the U.S. should be spending its defense dollars.


Don’t Let the Generals Dictate the War’s Legacy, Make Them Answer for It
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Responsible Statecraft, 7/23/21

Expect the military officials who commanded Afghanistan to invoke ‘cutting and running.’ Let’s talk about why they failed.


Israeli — Not Chinese — Firm Caught Exporting Its ‘Authoritarian Model’
By Ethan Paul, Research Associate
Responsible Statecraft, 7/20/21

Is there a double standard when government-linked makers and sellers of ‘nasty’ spyware used by autocrats are U.S. allies?


House Passes Another Win for Divided Korean American Families
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 7/20/21

But will the Senate take up the mantle and finally bring about reunions between North Koreans and their families in America?


What's Behind the Changing Middle East?

Interviewed: Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Strait Talk/TRT, 7/23/21



U.S. Blaming of Middle-Eastern ‘Bad Actors’ Challenged by Think Tank by Michael Jansen/ Quoted: Researcher Matthew Petti and Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The Irish Times, 7/22/21

The Phoniness of Opposition to the Iran Nuclear Agreement by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Responsible Statecraft, 7/22/21

What Does David Brooks See When He Looks in the Mirror? by Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, Responsible Statecraft, 7/21/21

Surprise: No One ‘Bad Guy’ Responsible for Violence in the Middle East by Researcher Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 7/20/21

The Saudi-UAE Rivalry, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The Majority Report with Sam Seder, 7/20/21

VIDEO: The Interventions of Middle East Powers, 2010-2020 by Multimedia Producer Khody Akhavi, Quincy Institute, 7/19/21

Khalilzad: Taliban in ‘Stronger Position Than it Was Before’ After Military Gains by Alexander Ward/ Cited: Researcher Matthew Petti and Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, National Security Daily/Politico, 7/19/21


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After the Apocalypse.

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