Tens of thousands of patriots…..
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Watch LIVE: Trump Rally in Phoenix
President Trump has boundless energy. His rallies are providing hope to millions of patriotic Americans.


— RSBN (@RSBNetwork) July 24, 2021 ...

Black Woman Seen On Surveillance Video Smashing Window of Brooklyn Jewish School
Black antisemitism is an epidemic. Jews are terrorized. The silence by Democrat ruling elite is sanction, approval if you will. The horror will only continue to escalate.

Suspect seen on surveillance video smashing window of Brooklyn Jewish ...

Islamic Video: ‘America Burns’ Asserts U.S. Is Collapsing And Is Headed Toward Civil War
Is it any wonder the Democrats adore these anti-American savages?

EXCLUSIVE: Al-Qaeda Video 'America Burns' Asserts U.S. Is Collapsing And Is Headed Toward Civil War

MEMRI, July 2021:

On July 20, 2021, Al-Qaeda's central media wing ...

Meet Ben & Jerry’s Board Chair: Vicious Jew-Hater Who Has Published Defenses of Islamic Terrorist Groups Hezbollah, Hamas
Her name is Anuradha Mittal. She is the chair of Ben and Jerry's board of directors. Mittal has been exposed as a radical anti-Semite. Mittal has been the driving force behind Ben and Jerry's boycott of Judea and Samaria. Imagine if a board member ...

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Won’t Represent U.S.A. at Opening Ceremony
Appropriately, the anti-American soccer are big losers thus far. And these losers don't represent the U.S.

US Women’s Soccer Team Skips Representing U.S.A. at Opening Ceremony

The ultra-woke U.S. women’s soccer team — big losers thus ...

“Biden” DOJ Drops Civil Rights Probe of Cuomo’s Nursing Home COVID Slaughter
The DoJ, FBI, NSA etc have been irretrievably broken. The Democrats have politicized and weaponized our LE and intel agencies to the poinht of ruin. Americans have come to fear the very agencies created to protect us.

New York Governor Andrew ...

Critics Decry ‘Big Brother’ as Facebook Admits 185M Cases of Censorship and “Biden” Admin Wants More
Nazis on the march.

Critics Cry 'Big Brother' as Facebook Admits 185M Cases of Censorship and Biden Admin Wants More

By: Eric Philips, CBN, July 23, 2021:

As vaccination rates grow more sluggish, the White House is pointing the finger ...

Biden Jeered By Anti-Pipeline Protesters in Virginia
America returning the middle finger the Demo-communists have been giving the American people.

“No, no, no, no. Let ’em talk. That’s OK. Look, this is not a Trump rally. Let ’em holler. No one’s paying attention.”

Spoken like a ...

“First” Wave of Biden’s Afghan Airlift Headed to Virginia
What could go wrong? No reason to think we are importing into America  those infamous “insider attacks” by Afghans against US troops.

Afghan feminists should be on the first plane out – they're not.

“First” Wave of Biden’s ...

Muslims Slaughter 3,462 Christians, Kidnap 3,000, Attack 300 Churches in Nigeria So Far This Year
No coverage from the sharia-compliant, jihad cheering media. You can get away with unspeakable crimes against humanity if you are deemed an elite, protected class by the leftist supremacist media.

Islamic supremacism – respect it, ...

CHILD ABUSE: “Biden” Good with Kids Wearing Masks at School Again
This torment must stop. Children are not at risk. And another study shows carbon dioxide levels from wearing masks “suggest(s) that children should not be forced to wear face masks.”

Thankfully, Governor Ron DeSantis said he will oppose any ...

Imam in Canada says Islamic Law to be implemented When Muslims Are Majority
It is widely known and understood that Muslims are the only immigrant group who come to the West with a ready made model of society they believe to be superior to Western law and they work furiously, by all means, to impose it. Under Islam, shariah ...

“Palestinian” Muslim Mob Nearly Lynches Three Jewish Teens
No media coverage on this genocidal horror. The Democrat media complex is all in on slaughtering Jews.

Palestinian mob nearly lynches three Israeli teens

Palestinians claim boys tried to torch a local factory; parents say teens merely took ...

The Coming War Powers Debate
“….as this bill is debated Congress take a look at the issue from the other end of the telescope — the question of who has the power to make peace. One might suppose that that power belongs to the Congress, but it’s not in the Constitution. ...

Israel To Become First In World To Test Oravax Oral COVID-19 Vaccine
The gift of the Jews. It's safe to say that vax skeptics would be less averse to a pill.

Israel to become first in world to test Oravax oral COVID-19 vaccine

Oravax Medical is gearing up to commence clinical trials at Tel Aviv Sourasky ...


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