Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

Good afternoon,

I was back in Washington, D.C. for another busy week of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives! I met with representatives from Honeywell, which has a facility in our district, to discuss technologies and ways to improve our military capabilities and protect our nation. I also met with the CEO and Vice President of Federal Affairs of Arizona Public Service to discuss current energy proposals and how to ensure our nation’s energy sources are reliable and affordable for Arizonans.

Democrats' De Facto Ban

I voted against H.R. 2467, the Democrats’ bill which creates a de facto ban on many products that are key to medical devices, our nation’s energy future, and our global competitive edge. The Democrats’ bill imposes an unrealistic timeline that forces the Environmental Protection Agency to make regulatory determinations on over 9,000 PFAS chemicals, which results in creating blanket regulations and putting politics over scientific judgment. Furthermore, this legislation bans any materials containing PFAS from entering the market, even if they pose no threat to the environment or human health. PFAS can be found in protective equipment for police officers and the military, pipeline safety equipment, lithium-ion batteries found in electric vehicles, PPE, surgical instruments, infant heart valves, and semiconductor chips, which are key components in beating China. Our district is home to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which makes semiconductor chips, and W.L. Gore and Associates, which makes life-saving medical devices. The resulting de facto ban on these products inhibits medical innovation, jeopardizes Arizonans’ jobs, and would result in our nation becoming more dependent on foreign nations. My full remarks on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives can be found here.

Democrats Fail to Protect Americans

I also voted against the Democrats’ H.R. 2668, which falls woefully short of protecting Americans. This bill is a deeply flawed, partisan proposal that gives the Federal Trade Commission unprecedented new authority without protecting due process and improving transparency or accountability. We must protect people, especially our nation’s seniors, from becoming the target of scams, but H.R. 2668 fails to include provisions that better safeguard Americans’ data privacy, especially as Americans face growing concerns about Big Tech and their data privacy. This bill is another win for unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. at the expense of the American people.

Energy and Commerce Committee

This week, I attended a hearing in the House Energy and Commerce Committee where we discussed 24 different bills. I am proud to serve on this committee and work with my colleagues to deliver smart and affordable solutions for the American people!


Check Out My Interviews on Biden's Border Crisis!

I recently visited the southern border to see Biden's border crisis firsthand. Check out my recent interviews below where I discuss my visit and what I learned from Border Patrol agents about the deadly fentanyl crisis, the tragic human trafficking that occurs, and what can be done to secure our border!


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Legislative Update

I am urging President Biden to retain Title 42, which was put in place to protect the American people from the spread of COVID-19. I recently visited the southern border in Nogales, AZ, and I heard from CBP, Border Patrol, and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents who all shared their concerns that undoing Title 42 would create a catastrophe at our border and undermine our efforts to combat COVID-19. Given the continued rise in illegal immigration due to Biden and the Democrats’ open border policies, Title 42 has provided a legitimate justification for turning away migrants attempting to cross our border illegally. I am calling on President Biden to prioritize the health and safety of Americans and uphold Title 42.

I also joined Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar in denouncing socialism. As the people of Cuba are protesting their authoritarian government that has instituted socialist policies that have crushed the freedoms of Cubans, it is critical that we denounce all forms of socialism and oppose the implementation of socialist policies in the U.S. Socialism is a failed ideology that has led to the suffering of millions. It has no place in our nation or anywhere else in the world.

Ribbon Cuttings

Austin from our office attended a ribbon cutting for Charley’s Sports Grill in Glendale, AZ! Charley’s is a friendly, neighborhood bar and grill that also hosts a variety of events for residents and community members every week.


Monica from our office attended the grand opening of Before Royalty in Glendale, AZ. Before Royalty focuses on custom sport performance programs, fitness consulting, physical training, motivation, sport psychology, and more to help young athletes achieve their maximum potential!


Encouraging Story

I want to share this story about how Phoenix Rescue Mission’s Outreach Team has been rescuing people off the streets since launching its heat relief campaign in May. The team has fleet vehicles that can search for and rescue vulnerable individuals and families across the Valley and works with several local municipalities in our district to assist people in our communities.


Casework Highlight

A constituent contacted our office because she won her appeal for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits but had not received her back pay from the payment center. Our office contacted the Social Security Administration, and the constituent received her back payment.

We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. My Surprise district office is now open and serving constituents. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911.

My Washington, D.C. office is open and answering your calls. Please feel free to contact us via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Parler and like my Facebook page for up to date information on what I'm doing and how my office can help you.

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation.


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

