You’ve probably heard about what’s happening in the Texas legislature.


Friend, you’ve probably heard about what’s happening in the Texas legislature.

Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans forced a special session to reintroduce extreme, racialized voter suppression bills under the guise of protecting “election integrity”. These bills are such a huge threat to democracy that Texas Democrats left the state and risked arrest to break quorum and block their passage.

We salute our legislators who are putting everything on the line to defend democracy right now. But more importantly, we’re determined to build a progressive grassroots movement in Texas that can permanently change this broken status quo.

Ground Game Texas is investing in year-round voter contact and organizing to get progressive issues on the ballot, with the ultimate goal of driving the kind of massive voter turnout that can create lasting change in Texas politics. But we need to make sure our funds keep pace with the constant attacks on the right to vote coming from elected officials. 

We only have a week left to reach our goal of raising $10,000 in grassroots donations by July 31st. Can you help get us over the finish line, friend? Click here to make a contribution to Ground Game Texas today.

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City by city, town by town, we’re using popular issues to bring so many new voters into the electorate that the Texas GOP simply won’t be able to silence us. Thank you for being a part of our movement.


Team Ground Game Texas