From Midterm Update (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject If we lose in 2022, we’re in big trouble in 2024 -- here’s why
Date July 24, 2021 1:30 PM
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Folks, there are a lot of reasons it’s critical to protect our Democratic majorities and flip governor’s races in 2022. If you’re ready to do whatever it takes to help Voto Latino register and mobilize Latinx voters so we can secure Democratic victories, chip in now -- every $18 we raise helps us get one more voter to the polls.

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But in case you need more motivation to make sure Democrats win BIG next year, consider this: If we lose in 2022, we’re in big trouble in 2024.

Here’s why:

➞ Republican governors will ramp up voter suppression. In states like Arizona and Georgia, President Biden won by the slimmest margin, so GOP efforts to make it harder to vote could sink his chances in 2024. BUT, if we elect Democratic governors in 2022, they’ll PROTECT the right to vote. Chip in to help us elect Democratic governors in Arizona and Georgia who ensure a fair fight in 2024. [[link removed]]

➞ A GOP Congress would go on full attack mode against President Biden and Vice President Harris. Republicans have already made it clear that they would IMPEACH both the president and vice president and DESTROY their agenda if they regain power. Chip in to help us defend the House and Senate so Democrats can keep on delivering for the American people. [[link removed]]

➞ A Republican Congress could refuse to certify President Biden’s and Vice President Harris’ reelection victory! Remember, a majority of Republicans voted to overturn the results of the last election -- if they controlled the House in 2024, there would be nothing to stop them from succeeding. Chip in to help us stop the GOP’s plans to destroy our democracy. [[link removed]]

Simply put, if we blow it in 2022, we might not get another real chance in 2024. And with Donald Trump all but confirming that he will run for president again, the stakes are too high to back down.

Our work at Voto Latino was instrumental to winning states like Arizona and Georgia 2020. We can repeat our success in 2022 -- but we need your help to get it done.

Every $18 we raise helps us get one more voter to the polls, so please, chip in whatever you can to help us make sure we WIN in 2022 and beyond.

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-- Voto Latino

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Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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